Lambretta Special Golden 150
Name of owner ; Yuri Paolini 

Scooter Club ; none at the moment 

Name of Scooter ; 60s Racer special 

Scooter Model ; 1965 Special Golden 

Inspiration for project ; My friend Paolo Supertune replica and the bike he showed me a pic; a Gold and white GP catched on Internet. 

Engine ; Slightly tuned 175 top end, 22ml. Carb., standard exhaust. 
Top speed and cruising speed ; 65 mph / 55 mph 

 Is the scooter reliable ; Definitely it is. 

Paintwork ; Metallized bronze and white. 

Hardest part of project ; Not scratching it 

Anything to add to the scooter ; It's Ok. 

What other scooters do you have ? ; 2 x LI 125 series III (one for sale look for pics in the adverts sec), GP 200, Vespa 125.